Filter Fabrications Ltd. is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of carbon filters.
From our premises in the North of England we distribute our products throughout the UK and the World.
Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities ensure that we can comply with the most stringent of requirements whilst still offering unrivalled turnaround times, first class technical support and competitive prices.
Our customers include numerous blue-chip companies located across the globe alongside small local businesses and other manufacturers of air filters.
We manufacture and supply the full range of Air Filter products:
Media Pads
Pleated Panels
Multipocket Bags
Rigid Filters
Grease Filters
Activated Carbon Filters
HEPA Filters E10 to U17
new website coming soon

Contact Filter Fabrications Ltd for your air filter requirements
Filter Fabrications Limited

Unit 10A Hargreaves Mill
Chapel Street
Phone: 01706 399 070
Email: info@filterfabrications.co.uk
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